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Stemvita Tongkat Ali

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Stemvita Tongkat Ali

Stemvita Tongkat Ali

Stemvita Tongkat Ali

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Tongkat Ali 2

Many aging men experience reductions in testosterone and other hormones. This  condition known as andropause. Symptoms of andropause may include reduced sexual response, lack of energy, increased body fat, and mental lethargy.

Many men, it’s frustrating when your body just doesn’t do what it used to. Although testosterone replacement therapy is available, it can have serious side effects and come at a great cost. Many men have instead looked to natural, herbal therapies.

Eurycomalongifolia jack, also known as Malaysian ginseng or tongkat Ali, is a therapeutic herb native to the Malaysian rain forests. Like many other exotic plants, tongkat Ali is popular in traditional medicine. Its primary use has been to promote healthy libido and support normal hormone levels in males.